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Class Dojo

At Copplestone we enjoy a positive working relationships with our families, and this is supported by frequent, open and honest communication. We use Class Dojo for school information updates, event notifications and general notices. More formal communication and information will be sent by our Parent Mail system. 

Class Dojo enables parents and teachers to communicate informally via messages and can be useful to share quick bits of news or ask questions. We find this is particularly useful to keep in touch first thing in the morning when a teacher may not have time to speak to several parents. 

Class Dojo also allows us to share blog posts called 'class stories' outlining the activities the children have been doing in class, along with photos. Your permission will be requested for photos to be used of your child - but they are only shared with the class group. 

Children receive Dojo Points for good work, positive behaviours or following the Golden Rules, and these points are counted up half-termly for the house points assembly. 

In the event of a school closure, or home learning then we will post tasks in the portfolio section where completed tasks can also be uploaded for feedback.

Our code of conduct for Class Dojo is simple:
  • All communication should be respectful and appropriate - this is not the forum for raising complaints, but a platform for sharing information and celebrating the children's achievements. 
  • Teachers are not expected to respond to messages in the evenings or weekends.
  • Class Dojo goes into hibernation during school holidays. 
  • Anyone misusing the Class Dojo will be blocked. 

You can use Class Dojo on the web or through IOS or Android apps.